What drives employment-unemployment transitions? Evidence from Italian task-based data


Relying on a unique longitudinal integrated database supplying micro-level information on labor market transitions (concerning the 2011-2017 period) and occupation task characteristics (e.g. routine-task intensity), this paper provides fresh evidence of the determinants of unemployment risk in Italy. We find that workers employed in routineintensive occupations do not display – on average – higher unemployment risks than the rest of the workforce. However, on distinguishing between cognitive and manual tasks, it turns out that workers employed in occupations entailing a large proportion of routine cognitive tasks (such as workers employed in service occupations as cashiers or call-center operators) are in fact exposed to a relatively higher risk of becoming unemployed.



Analisi delle mansioni, Disoccupazione, Domanda e offerta di lavoro


Cassandro N., Centra M., Esposito P., Guarascio D. (2020), What drives employment-unemployment transitions? Evidence from Italian task-based data, Roma, Inapp, WP, 51 <https://oa.inapp.org/xmlui/handle/20.500.12916/716>
