Digitalization, routineness and employment: an exploration on Italian task-based data


This paper explores the relation between the digitalization of labour processes, the level of routineness of tasks and changes in employment. The levels of digitalization and routineness of occupations in 796 5-digit ISCO occupational groups are measured using data from a unique Italian occupational-level survey on skill, task and work contents – the Inapp-Istat Survey on Italian Occupations (ICP), an O*NET-type dataset. We develop three novel digitalization indices: a digital use index measuring the use of digital devices and technologies in the workplace, a digital skills index assessing the familiarity and skill in using digital technologies, and a digital tasks index capturing the frequency and importance of selected digital tasks.



Digitalizzazione, Occupazione, Professioni


Cirillo V., Evangelista R., Guarascio D., Sostero M. (2019), Digitalization, routineness and employment: an exploration on Italian task-based data, Roma, INAPP, WP, n. 10 <>
