Le opinioni sulla condizionalità: i risultati in Italia dell'European Social Survey


This paper analyses ‘conditional cash transfer’ as a tool of a policy aimed at activating recipients of benefits conditional on availability for work. This is a core topic in Italy, due to the attention given by public opinion and the media to the ‘anti-sofa measures’ within the new-born: ‘Reddito di cittadinanza’, a sort of basic income. It is actually a new chapter in the long-standing political and academic contemporary debate over social protection system reforms. This paper studies public opinion on this topic as revealed by the people interviewed during the 8th Round of the European Social Survey - ESS.



Contrasto alla povertà, Disoccupazione


Cardone P., Deidda M., Marocco M. (2019), Le opinioni sulla condizionalità: i risultati in Italia dell'European Social Survey, Roma, Inapp <https://oa.inapp.org/xmlui/handle/20.500.12916/484>
