Training and skills development in SMEs. Analysing the role of support policies and NRRP strategies


The article addresses the characteristics of micro-enterprises and SMEs in the European and global context, in the field of training and skills development. Through the analysis of issues and opportunities for SMEs, in response to the Covid-19 emergency and the challenges of digital and ecological transitions, an overview of levels of participation in CVET (Continuing Vocational Education and Training) is provided, with a focus on territorial gaps in Europe. The growing need for adaptation of digital and transversal skills in human capital is analysed in the context of SMEs and micro-enterprises. A reading of European actions and programmes to support training, re-skilling and up-skilling is finally proposed with a focus on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).



Formazione professionale continua, PNRR, Piccole e medie imprese


Pedone A., Angotti R., Barricelli D. (2023), Training and skills development in SMEs. Analysing the role of support policies and NRRP strategies, Sinappsi, XIII, n.1, pp.32-49 <>
