Vocational education and training in Europe - Italy: system description (2023)

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Italian VET is characterised by multiple institutional actors at national and regional levels. Article 117 of the Constitution provides for ownership either by the State, the regions or mechanisms for cooperation between the different institutions, relative to the type of education and training: the State establishes general education standards; regions have exclusive legislative power over VET; and education falls within the concurrent legislation, except for the autonomy of education institutions and vocational training. Ministries of education and labour and the regions define, with formal agreements, matters of common interest with different responsibility levels. Apprenticeship is available at all levels and programmes and is defined as an open-ended employment contract. Type 1 apprenticeship is offered in all programmes at upper secondary level and the IFTS. Type 3 apprenticeship (higher training/education apprenticeship) is offered in ITS programmes and all tertiary education leading to university degrees, ITS diplomas, and doctoral degrees. Type 2 apprenticeship does not correspond to any education level but leads to occupational qualifications recognised by the relevant national sectoral collective agreements. First published on the Cedefop website.


Contributors: Roberto Angotti, Concetta Fonzo, Alessandra Pedone, Vincenza Infante, Francesca Ludovisi, Paola Andreani, Andrea Carlini, Maria Grazia Mereu, Giusy Montalbano, Rita Porcelli (National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP)) and Vicky Oraiopoulou (Cedefop).


IeFP, Politiche comunitarie, Sistema scolastico


CEDEFOP, INAPP (2023), Vocational education and training in Europe - Italy: system description, Inapp (Cedefop Refernet Italy <https://oa.inapp.gov.it/handle/20.500.12916/4545>
