Il Programma Erasmus+ 2014-2020. Riflessioni e spunti sugli esiti del primo bando

dc.contributor.authorFiacco, Franca
dc.contributor.authorBalduini, Anna Sveva
dc.descriptionFiacco, F., Balduini, A. S., Il Programma Erasmus+ 2014-2020. Riflessioni e spunti sugli esiti del primo bando, “Osservatorio Isfol”, IV (2014), n. 3-4, pp. 115-130. Isfol OA: <>it_IT
dc.description.abstractArticle. Erasmus+ è il nuovo programma dell’Unione europea per l’Istruzione, la Formazione, la Gioventù e lo Sport 2014-2020, che combina e integra tutti gli strumenti di finanziamento della precedente programmazione 2007-2013 in ambito educativo, formativo e di sostegno alla gioventù (Programma LLP; Gioventù in azione; i programmi di cooperazione internazionale e bilaterale in materia, Jean Monnet) ed include una nuova dimensione di sostegno allo sport ed un nuovo strumento di garanzia per i prestiti destinati agli studenti. Il 2014 è stato il primo anno di implementazione del nuovo Programma, ricco di novità e di sfide. L’articolo trae spunto dall’esperienza del primo Invito Erasmus+ 2014, per formulare alcune riflessioni sugli elementi di successo del nuovo Programma e sugli ambiti di miglioramento per la sua attuazione negli anni a venire.it_IT
dc.description.abstractErasmus Plus is the new EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2014- 2020, which combines and integrates all the previous funding arrangements in these fields of the 2007-2013 programming period (LLP programme; Youth in Action; the programmes for international and bilateral cooperation in these areas, Jean Monnet), while including also a new support to sport and a new tool for loan guarantee dedicated to students. 2014 has been the first year of implementation for the new Programme, with many new elements and challenges. It has been a very complex and demanding year for all the actors involved at the different levels, in terms of new contents for the funded actions and new implementation rules, very strict roadmap, digital-only (no paper) management of the applications. This article draws on the experience of the first Erasmus+ 2014 Call, to provide with some food for thought on the success elements of the new Programme and the areas of improvement for its implementation in the years to come.en_EN
dc.description.abstractlowererasmus plus is the new eu programme for education, training, youth and sport 2014- 2020, which combines and integrates all the previous funding arrangements in these fields of the 2007-2013 programming period (llp programme; youth in action; the programmes for international and bilateral cooperation in these areas, jean monnet), while including also a new support to sport and a new tool for loan guarantee dedicated to students. 2014 has been the first year of implementation for the new programme, with many new elements and challenges. it has been a very complex and demanding year for all the actors involved at the different levels, in terms of new contents for the funded actions and new implementation rules, very strict roadmap, digital-only (no paper) management of the applications. this article draws on the experience of the first erasmus+ 2014 call, to provide with some food for thought on the success elements of the new programme and the areas of improvement for its implementation in the years to come. il programma erasmus+ 2014-2020. riflessioni e spunti sugli esiti del primo bando franca fiacco anna sveva balduiniit_IT
dc.identifier.citationFranca Fiacco e Anna Sveva Balduini, Il Programma Erasmus+ 2014-2020. Riflessioni e spunti sugli esiti del primo bando, “Osservatorio Isfol”, IV (2014), n. 3-4, pp. 115-130.it_IT
dc.subjectMobilita giovanileit_IT
dc.subjectMobilita professionaleit_IT
dc.subjectProgrammi e iniziative comunitariit_IT
dc.titleIl Programma Erasmus+ 2014-2020. Riflessioni e spunti sugli esiti del primo bandoit_IT


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