Low-skill jobs and routine tasks specialization: new insights from Italian provinces


Though the past decades Italy showed a lag in innovation, the 2000’s technology may have started spreading some effect on the occupational composition of employment. Past researches did not find evidence of skill-biased change. Since no paper so far ever addressed the topic of "routinazation" (and its link with labor market polarization) in Italy, this presentation analyses the period 2004-2016 assessing the routinisation hypothesis for the Italian labor market.



Analisi delle mansioni, Innovazione tecnologica, Mercato del lavoro


Brunetti I., Cirillo V., Intraligi V., Ricci A., Low-skill jobs and Routine tasks specialization: New insights from Italian provinces, Intervento a "Labor market challenges in times of globalization, technological and demographic change", Prague, 29 May 2019 <https://oa.inapp.org/xmlui/handle/20.500.12916/415>
