AVO: lo strumento Isfol per l’occupabilità dei giovani: dalle premesse culturali ai criteri generativi
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Article. Nell’ambito delle politiche attive del lavoro, si è progressivamente riconosciuto un ruolo più ampio e strategico all’orientamento. In questo quadro si collocano i recenti documenti siglati in Conferenza Unificata Stato-Regioni. Si pensi, in particolare, a quello sugli Standard minimi dei servizi e delle competenze degli operatori di orientamento che detta linee guida per la dotazione strumentale e logistica, la durata, le modalità di erogazione, i prodotti, le attività principali e le competenze richieste agli operatori, con importanti ricadute sulle pratiche professionali e sull’organizzazione dei servizi nei vari contesti operativi. E' più che mai indispensabile definire pratiche e strumenti per prevenire la disoccupazione e l’inoccupazione, i cui risultati siano “misurabili”. In questa direzione l’Isfol, nell’ambito del progetto “Orientarsi nell’incertezza” ha avviato una riflessione che ha portato, come prima azione, alla messa a punto di uno strumento di auto-valutazione dell’occupabilità dei giovani, denominato AVO Giovani, che nell'articolo viene presentato nella sua attuale versione, in corso di validazione. 2015
Within the framework of active labor-market policies, the strengthening of actions of workfare (from welfare to workfare) have given a wider and more strategic role to orientation. In this path, we find the documents recently signed in the Conference State-Regions, such as the one on Minimum standards of services and expertise of guidance, that rules guidelines and standards for instrumental equipment and logistics, duration, method of delivery, products, main activities and skills requested to operators in order to work correctly, with relevant effects on professional practice and organization of services in different operating environments. After years of debate on quality of performances, today is fundamental to build practices and tools that might improve cultural changes with the result of producinga countable way to prevent unemployment and inactivity. The need to take action on exclusion factors and to increase the advantage of being employed, compared to the condition of unemployment or inactivity, has led to develop a system of support and assistance for workers at different stages of their transition that has expanded the guidance process to new targets and planning purposes. Briefly, a new approach in orientation has been established and it is supposed to overcome the old one, limited to the school to work transition. This new approach leads to a wide range of consulting activities for supporting employability, as well as employment. Isfol, with the project “Orienting in uncertainty” started a journey that led to the development of “AVO Young”, a tool for self-assessment of employability of young people, that will be presented in the following pages. 2015
Within the framework of active labor-market policies, the strengthening of actions of workfare (from welfare to workfare) have given a wider and more strategic role to orientation. In this path, we find the documents recently signed in the Conference State-Regions, such as the one on Minimum standards of services and expertise of guidance, that rules guidelines and standards for instrumental equipment and logistics, duration, method of delivery, products, main activities and skills requested to operators in order to work correctly, with relevant effects on professional practice and organization of services in different operating environments. After years of debate on quality of performances, today is fundamental to build practices and tools that might improve cultural changes with the result of producinga countable way to prevent unemployment and inactivity. The need to take action on exclusion factors and to increase the advantage of being employed, compared to the condition of unemployment or inactivity, has led to develop a system of support and assistance for workers at different stages of their transition that has expanded the guidance process to new targets and planning purposes. Briefly, a new approach in orientation has been established and it is supposed to overcome the old one, limited to the school to work transition. This new approach leads to a wide range of consulting activities for supporting employability, as well as employment. Isfol, with the project “Orienting in uncertainty” started a journey that led to the development of “AVO Young”, a tool for self-assessment of employability of young people, that will be presented in the following pages. 2015
Bosca, M. A.; Grimaldi, A.; Porcelli, R.; Rossi, A., AVO: lo strumento Isfol per l’occupabilità dei giovani: dalle premesse culturali ai criteri generativi, "Osservatorio Isfol", V (2015), n. 1-2/2015, pp. 63-86. Isfol OA: <http://isfoloa.isfol.it/xmlui/handle/123456789/1125>