After Covid-19 policies for inclusive labour market: evaluating the Youth Guarantee Programme


Young people are generally an at-risk population: they face a high risk of unemployment, they are more likely to switch between states of joblessness or to enter precarious types of employment, and they face skills’ mismatches and low levels of wages.The coronavirus pandemic has emphasised this difficult situation: unemployment rose especially among youth! This paper proposes a counterfactual evaluation of the hiring incentives relating to the Youth Guarantee programme established in Italy for the year 2017 using an innovative dataset.



Giovani, Incentivi all'occupazione, Programmi e iniziative comunitari


Brunetti I., Ricci A., After Covid-19 policies for inclusive labour market: evaluating the Youth Guarantee Programme, Intervento a "4th International ASTRIL conference", 11 december 2020 <>
