Risks and opportunities of Italian digitalisation: e-skills for e-growth
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Other. This work represents the Italian contribution to the Eurofound Foundation Seminar Series 2016 “The impact of digitalisation on work" held in Dublin (May 2016) and Berlin (October 2016). The analisys shows an overall national delay in the digitalisation process and the urgent need to promote e-skills. The main topics dealt can be grouped into four broad categories: descriptions of national policies and strategies aimed at supporting digital change; a critical examination of the issues raised by the collaborative economy, in particular digital platforms; the implications of digital work for working conditions and health and safety; the challenges for education and training systems.
INAPP, Mineo S. [et al.], Risks and opportunities of Italian digitalisation: e-skills for e-growth, intervento a "Eurofound Foundation Seminar Series 2016. The impact of digitalisation on work”, Dublin, Berlin, 26-27 May, 13-14 October 2016. Isfol OA: <http://isfoloa.isfol.it/xmlui/handle/123456789/1479>
Competenze, ICT, Lavoro, Innovazione